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Weight Management

Going through life carrying around large amounts of adipose tissue is difficult for numerous reasons. Let’s face it; we live in a world that does not treat obese people well. Not only do obese individuals frequently face hostility; many deal with issues related to self- consciousness and increased difficulty finding romantic partners and other social connections. Additionally, the health risks associated with obesity are serious and can cut an individual’s life short by decades.

Conditions associated with obesity include hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, atrial fibrillation, cancer, liver disease, kidney disease, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and PCOS, among many other serious conditions. What distinguishes our practice from others is our focus on preventing these conditions through science-based medical weight loss and maintenance, which is so effective that many patients do not need to take medications because the underlying condition that promotes the development of these diseases is specifically treated. 

Unfortunately, many patients are told simply to diet and exercise to lose weight, but this recommendation is not realistic. Studies have shown repeatedly that once patients reach a certain weight, it becomes their new homeostasis (set point), and losing weight and keeping it off becomes nearly impossible for almost all patients. At our practice, we do not give patients simplistic weight loss directives because we recognize that large-scale scientific studies have shown that the science of weight loss is much more complex. 

Instead, we counsel patients about medicinal therapies that remove the stress and discomfort from losing weight and combine them with nutritional recommendations. Telling patients to lose weight by only dieting and exercising is not only contrary to science but also places undue stress and burden on patients and sets them up for failure. Some of the therapies we prescribe address the underlying mechanisms that promote obesity, and many patients have lost large amounts of weight, maintained their progress, and expressed high levels of satisfaction with these highly effective treatments.

Many North Americans struggle with weight loss, whether the scale just won’t budge or fluctuates up and down like a yo-yo. Diet and exercise are an excellent start to a healthy weight, but sometimes stubborn pounds need an extra boost to keep them from hanging on. Our office offers medically supervised weight loss in that helps our patients achieve healthy weight goals using advanced methods that have been proven to work time and time again. The medically supervised weight loss program is based on extensive rigorous research evaluated by the top scientists and specialist doctors in the field. 

Did you know…

that more than 35 percent of American adults are overweight? According to an estimate from the Centers for Disease Control, obesity is directly responsible for more than $140 billion in medical costs each year – primarily for the treatment of weight-related diseases like heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and stroke. Losing just 10 to 20 pounds can lower blood pressure and cholesterol, alleviate chronic pain, and reduce cancer risk – not to mention improve the quality of life. Many patients can lose even more than this with medically assisted weight loss. Cancer, erectile dysfunction, and dementia as conditions that are linked to obesity (in addition to heart disease, diabetes, and stroke)

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for medical weight loss?

You may be a candidate for medical weight loss if your previous attempts to lose weight have been unsuccessful. Contact our office to schedule a consultation and find out more about our treatment options for overweight and obese patients.

What should I expect during a medical weight loss program?

We take a multifaceted approach to helping our patients lose weight. We always begin with nutritional counseling and lifestyle modifications that help increase cardiovascular output, lower stress, and improve sleep – all factors that can aid in healthy weight loss. Additional interventions are necessary on a case-by-case basis. For example, some patients are struggling with weight loss due to nutritional imbalances or skipped meals. Others may be facing hormonal imbalances that pack on the pounds. Our treatment options help break through weight loss barriers and turn the body into a fat-burning machine.

What types of results can I expect after completing a medical weight loss program?

Weight loss outcomes vary from patient to patient and treatment carries no guarantee of results. However, patients who are a part of a medically-personalized weight loss program are more likely to obtain significant long-term results than those who attempt to lose weight using diet or exercise alone.

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